Oh, So Simple.
Pushka is a simple way to give and connect with your favorite cause 🫶

Order a Pushka
How it works?
- Pushka is preset to $3 a click.
- Upon the first time clicking, your account will be charged $35.
- With each click, your preset amount will be deducted from your account.
- When your account reaches $0 it will refill automatically.
Includes: The Pushka and the Pushka Fridge Mount.
You can always change donation presets and set daily limits by logging in to our user friendly portal.
Join the movement.
Get a PushkaFAQ
Can I choose the cause my Pushka is affiliated with?
Yes! You can setup your Pushka to go to the most loved organization of your choice!
If you don't see your organization simply send us a message and we'll reach out to them.
Can I customize the click amount?
Of course! Pushka is preset to $3 a click, but as a user you have full control over your Pushka account to change the amount.
Do I tap my card on Pushka?
No, you just give it a touch with your finger. It will will automatically give the amount you preset in your account.
How much money does my account prefill?
Upon the first time clicking, your account will be prefilled with $35. With each click, your preset amount will be deducted from your account. When your account reaches $0 it will refill automatically.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! Pushka is tax-deductible recognized 501C3, You can get your receipts in your Pushka account.
Can I set a limit on my Pushka?
Absolutely! As a Pushka user, you are in command of how many times your pushka can be clicked in a day. For instance, you have the option to limit it to 3 clicks per day.
Chemdas Shalom
Grow your base
Pushka was a game changer in our organization, The donor base grew exponentially
Rachel Kahn
My daily routine
The first thing in the morning I click my Pushka, it's the place where I connect.
Sara Chammah
It's for everyone!
No matter how much you have, you can always share with others. Clicking your Pushka every morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, make sure to make it a habit.
Alex Sommer
Teach your kids
It's the good old pushka reimagined for next generations. let's pass on the flame of tzedakah for generations to come.